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VitalHub’s Chart Makes Apple’s Top 80 List of Doctor Apps

VitalHub Corp Logo: Patient information made easyVitalHub Chart has been named to Apple’s list of top 80 apps for doctors, nurses, patients and healthcare professionals in the “EMR and patient monitoring” category.

Here’s a description of the app, which is made by Toronto-based VitalHub Corp., from the Apple list curators:

VitalHub Chart puts patient data at your fingertips. You can access the information you need any time, anywhere there is WiFi or cellular service. No more waiting for a free desktop, hunting for a workstation on wheels, or carrying printouts on rounds.”

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U of T, MaRS Innovation Collaborate to Launch Incubator for Student Software Companies

Hadi Aladdin (left) and Marwan Aladdin, U of T graduates and the founders of CoursePeer.
Hadi Aladdin (left) and Marwan Aladdin, U of T graduates and the founders of CoursePeer, one of six UTEST companies.

TORONTO, ON – A new program that provides nascent software companies with start-up funds, work space, mentoring and business strategy support, was launched today by the University of Toronto and commercialization partner MaRS Innovation, with support from the MaRS Discovery District.

TechVibes has a profile page for UTEST and covered CoursePeer as part of their students start-ups series.

The new program, called University of Toronto Early Stage Technology (UTEST), is part of a growing ecosystem of incubators and commercialization support services at U of T, including the newly-launched Banting and Best Institute. UTEST is unique among campus incubators in that its companies receive start-up funds—$30,000 each in this inaugural year—and because it accepts companies in the very earliest stages of idea generation, before they’re ready for traditional incubators.

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ApneaDX Inc: A Medical Device to Accurately Diagnose Sleep Apnea at Home

ApneaDX Corporate LogoMaRS Innovation and the University Health Network‘s Toronto Rehabilitation Institute have collaborated to bring a new technology to market that accurately diagnoses sleep apnea at the patient’s home.

Sleep apnea is a medical disorder that is gaining increasing recognition as a major health issue. It is estimated that six to eight per cent of the world’s population suffer from the disease, but 85 per cent are undiagnosed.

Undiagnosed sleep apnea is estimated to cause $3.4 billion in additional medical costs in the US.

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Encycle investigators receive CQDM investment

CQDM invests $1.5 million in two collaborative projects within the Québec/Ontario Life Sciences Corridor

Toronto, December 6, 2011 —  The Québec Consortium for Drug Discovery (CQDM) is pleased to announce $1.5 million in funding for two joint Québec/Ontario research projects in biomedical research.

The news was released today at the conference, Connecting Life Sciences Across the Ontario-Québec Corridor, which was held in Toronto.

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Video: Canadian International Council interviews Rafi Hofstein about commercializing Canadian technology

Dr. Raphael Hofstein, president and CEO of MaRS Innovation, spoke to the Canadian International Council about the importance of protecting intellectual property as an important component in commercializing Canadian technologies.

Here’s an excerpt:

Government could be extremely helpful if they created special funds dedicated to covering the costs of patent protection.

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York University becomes 17th Member of MaRS Innovation

MaRS Innovation to act as commercialization agent for York’s life sciences and technology discoveries, leveraging new potential for York’s existing $70 million in research initiatives

TORONTO, May 9, 2011 York University has become the latest member of MaRS Innovation, the commercialization agent for many leading Toronto-based universities, hospitals and research institutes.

Stan Shapson, vice-president Research & Innovation, York University
Stan Shapson, Vice-President Research & Innovation, York University

“York has become one of Canada’s fastest-growing centres for research and innovation,” said Stan Shapson, vice-president Research & Innovation at York University. “We typically get 10 to 20 discovery disclosures a year. Joining MaRS Innovation allows us to deliver the most competitive commercialization services to the researchers making these discoveries. We’re confident that membership in MaRS Innovation will boost that number and accelerate the commercialization of York’s most promising research.”

Earlier this year, York University launched its Innovation York office. Based in York Region, Innovation York works with other partner organizations in the Markham Convergence Centre to build upon research partnerships between York researchers and life science and technology companies based in York Region and the Greater Toronto Area. It’s also making York’s research and infrastructure more accessible to industry, government agencies and community partners.

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How VitalHub Corp. Uses iPhones® To Help Health Care

VitalHub Corp Logo: Patient information made easyTORONTO, ON (Jan. 25, 2011) —Doctors, nurses and administrators can now access electronic health applications on mobile, hand-held technology through VitalHub Corp..

The unique start-up company was spun-off from mobile health technologies developed  Toronto’s Mount Sinai Hospital, thanks in part to $300,000 in seed financing from MaRS Innovation that will give it a crucial head start in the fiercely competitive mobile IT health sector.

MaRS Innovation invests in the most commercially promising discoveries emerging from its member institutions, which include 16 of Toronto’s leading universities, hospitals (such as Mount Sinai) and research institutions. This funding commitment rounds out a sizeable seed round of financing for VitalHub.

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