In a November 25 article in Biotechnology Focus magazine, author Shawn Lawrence highlights Stem Cell Therapeutics and Trillium Therapeutics Inc. coming together in a reverse merger that creates more opportunities to advance early-stage research.
The article profiles Dr. Aaron Schimmer and his discovery that Tigecycline is effective in killing leukemia cells and leukemia stem cells by shutting down their energy supply.
Here’s a quote from Lawrence’s article:
“Dr. Schimmer’s research is focused on drug repurposing – finding new indications for approved therapeutics. Focusing on established drugs with known safety profiles can significantly lower the risk in the drug development process, saving time and cost,” says Dr. Niclas Stiernholm, president and CEO of Stem Cell Therapeutics Corp.”
For his research with tigecycline, Dr. Schimmer received awards in 2013 from the Canadian Cancer Society and the Till McCulluch Prize in 2012.
Dr. Stiernholm also notes the excitement of working with Dr. Schimmer. “He is a young, up-and-coming clinician-scientist and these awards validate the significance of his work.”
Stem Cell Therapeutics Corp. is Canada’s only publicly traded company surrounding cancer stem cell therapies.
Read the article on the Stem Cell Therapeutics and Trillium Therapeutics Inc. merger or read more about Tigecycline’s technology in MI’s portfolio.
Posted by Kailee Travis, writer and communications assistant.