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Call for Applications: MSc Proof-of-Principle Program

Ontario Centres of ExcellenceThe Medical Sciences Proof-of-Principle (MSc PoP) program, administered by Ontario Centres of Excellence on behalf of Ontario’s Ministry of Research & Innovation, is a province-wide initiative for which MaRS Innovation accepts applications from our 15 member institutions.

MaRS Innovation is currently recruiting applications for the July 30, 2015 August 27, 2015 (2 pm) deadline; for submissions to be considered via MI, paperwork must be in byAugust 24, 2015 (4 pm).

We’ve also learned there will be a second call for MScPoP applications in January 2016 after the current round has closed. The third and final call for applications is scheduled for September 2016.  All programs will be run using the same criteria (see below).

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Cellax profiled in SciBX; MaRS Innovation’s MSc PoP program cited in National Post supplement

CellaxThe Cellax technology was profiled in a recent issue of  SciBX (subscription necessary). MaRS Innovation is mentioned in the article as the technology’s commercialization agent.

Here’s an excerpt:

Ontario Institute for Cancer Research scientists have developed glycopolymer-conjugated docetaxel nanoparticles that outperform Abraxane in mouse models of breast cancer. The Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR) is backing the program with $1.5 million to take it to the clinic. The expectation is that the product’s ability to target the tumor stroma rather than the tumor itself will differentiate it from Abraxane and other chemotherapeutic formulations.”

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Call for Applications: MaRS Innovation seeks applicants for early-stage MSc POP projects

Government of Ontario logoMaRS Innovation (MI) seeks applicants for the Medical Sciences Proof-of-Principle (MSc PoP) program, which supports early-stage medical science technologies and allows their founding teams to conduct crucial proof-of-principle work.

Through the two-year MSc POP program, MI will distribute funding awards to qualified applicants within its membership on behalf of the Ministry of Research and Innovation (MRI). Funds are available in $25,000 or $75,000 grants.

“At MaRS Innovation, the PoP program functions as a kind of internal Dragons’ Den,” says Dr. Raphael Hofstein, president and CEO of MaRS Innovation. “For three years, we’ve used a panel of industry leaders to hear pitches from the founding teams of the most promising technologies in our intellectual property pipeline. Based on their assessments, the strongest projects receive PoP funding to fuel their prototyping and other proof-of-principle work.”

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