THUNDER BAY, ON (May 28,2014) – XLV Diagnostics Inc., a MaRS Innovation (MI) start-up company based in Thunder Bay and specializing in low-cost, next-generation digital mammography machines, has closed a…
Fanny Sie is a manager in MI’s Technology & Venture Development group and head, Imaging Technologies Area.
Fanny Sie, MaRS Innovation’s head of imaging technologies and a manager in the Technology & Venture Development group, is speaking about bioprinting trends at two Toronto conferences this weekend.
Sie is MI’s commercialization lead on the Bioprinter, a licensenable technology from the University of Toronto and Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre.
First up is Digifest, an international festival celebrating digital creativity, which runs from May 8 to 10 at the Corus Quay building on Toronto’s Waterfront. Sie will speak about 3D printing and its biological and commercial implications on the Mass Customization Panel Discussion, which runs from 2 to 3 pm on Friday, May 9.
On Monday, Sie joins the opening panel at the OCE Discovery Conference, which runs from May 12 to 13, 2014 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre (South Building). She will speak during the “3D Manufacturing: Beyond the Hype” panel at 9 am on May 13.
TORONTO (May 22, 2012) — Flybits CEO and Founder Hossein Rahnama was among the entrepreneurs of Ryerson University’s Digital Media Zone (DMZ) to meet the Prince of Wales and demonstrate his cloud-based and context-aware software solution.
Flybits CEO Hossein Rahnama (left) demonstrates his mobile technology for His Royal Highness Prince Charles and Premier Dalton McGuinty (right)
Flybits Inc., a Mars Innovation spin-off company from Ryerson University where Rahanama is a professor and research director of the DMZ, has developed an innovative, context-aware software as a service framework called FARE (Flybits Activity Recognition Engine).
It allows mobile application developers to rapidly build intelligent mobile applications that address the needs of multiple vertical markets without excessive infrastructure requirements.