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MaRS Innovation Statement on 2014 Ontario Budget

TORONTO, ON (May 2, 2014) – MaRS Innovation congratulates the government’s deepened commitment to support the life sciences through research and innovation funding. In particular, the new $30 million Life Sciences Seed Venture Capital Fund will create a partnership between the Province of Ontario, the private sector and hospital foundations to finance Ontario-based life sciences companies.

Dr. Raphael Hofstein
Dr. Raphael Hofstein, president & CEO, MaRS Innovation.

“As co-designers of this venture capital fund and one of its many champions, MaRS Innovation welcomes this news,” says Dr. Raphael (Rafi) Hofstein, president and CEO. “We look forward to the strong collaborations it will foster with our colleagues in the Government of Ontario, private industry and the hospital community.”

“By their nature and the need for regulation, life sciences companies take considerable time to mature products and their underlying technologies. Expanding the funding available during this critical stage through this unique public-private partnership will give more Ontario start-ups emerging with disruptive technologies from the province’s academic institutions the financing they need to succeed and thrive,” says Hofstein.

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Raphael Hofstein’s guest blog for the Ontario Ministry of Economic Development and Innovation

Raphael Hofstein's guest blog post for MEDI websiteAt the 2012 BIO International Convention in Boston this week, MaRS Innovation, The Québec Consortium for Drug Discovery (CQDM), the Ontario Brain Institute and the Ontario Centres of Excellence announced we are launching a new life sciences funding program within the Ontario-Québec Corridor.

The Ontario-Québec Life Sciences Corridor was itself announced at the 2011 BIO International Convention. Shortly thereafter, Max Felhmann, president and CEO of CQDM, and Raphael Hofstein, president and CEO of MaRS Innovation, decided to collaborate on a joint pilot project, which has produced Encycle Therapeutics.

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