Welcome to the beta version of the MaRS Innovation website.
We have refreshed the site’s design to make better use of its existing functionality while showcasing our projects.
The new design includes these additions and changes:
- Revised and expanded profiles for our portfolio. At present, these sections are lean compared to the number of opportunities in the portfolio; watch for many more additions in the weeks ahead.
- An anchor page for UTEST, our new joint incubator program with the University of Toronto and MaRS Discovery District. This page and its equivalent on the University of Toronto website are placeholders until a UTEST can be launched in the near future.
- An updated Board of Directors listing.
- An updated staff listing. We’ve hired five people into our core team since the site’s last major update.
- Pages for each of our 16 member institutions.
- Tags and categories to make news easier to search and index.
- Social links for our presences on Twitter and LinkedIn. We hope you’ll find reason to add us to the people and organizations you follow.
- Share links so that you can share news of interest with your social network of choice.
The beta site is a work in progress; we appreciate your patience as we refine its content and performance.
If you have comments or suggestions about our site, please contact Elizabeth Monier-Williams, MaRS Innovation’s marketing and communications manager. You’ll find her details on the Contact Us page.
Thanks to the team at Spider Marketing for providing design and technical web development services.
Posted by Elizabeth Monier-Williams, marketing and communications manager.