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TIAP - Turns Ideas Into Companies TIAP - Specializes in Venture Building
of Member Innovations
TIAP - Bridges the Funding Gap

TIAP specializes in venture building of early-stage health science technologies emerging from our academic Members


TIAP transforms early-stage scientific innovations into business ventures


TIAP de-risks ideas through expert financial and scientific advice


TIAP invests in early-stage innovations and sources external venture capital for future funding


TIAP leverages its extensive global and local network to create links between industry, researchers, investors and Members

Cornerstone programs and funding offered by TIAP

Researchers who choose to work with TIAP have access to a full range of programs and management support to get an invention off to a good start. TIAP’s main focus is on health science technologies emerging from our members. If you have questions about your eligibility, please contact the technology transfer office at your institution.

When we take a technology into our portfolio, we provide all of the programs required to advance it to a more market-ready state. Our programs are centered around five main pillars: LAB150UTESTVenture Builder, Critical Technologies and Portfolio Management.

TIAP’s experienced team can help your technology realize its market potential.

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